Warning While this tutorial is meant for complete beginners new to programming, please note programming can be difficult and seem arcane at first. Make sure to have the Horse64 code editor running to try things right away, and to experiment a lot so you can get a practical intuition for what you're doing.
Code for Horse64 is stored in .h64
text files. These are files holding for instructions to run that make up your programs. When such a program runs, the instructions are executed, making up the behavior of your program.
Note The rules for the layout of programs in a language, like for Horse64, is commonly called the "Syntax" of that language.
Most code in a Horse64 program needs to be inside so-called functions, outside of rare exceptions. A basic program with a single function looks like this:
func main {
print("Hello World!")
(Store this in a file named "test.h64" to run it later.)
If you run this, it will output "Hello World!" and exit.
It's simply a way to group a set of instructions together. You can write your entire program in just one function, like the small program above, or use additional functions for different tasks with memorable names that you like.
To prevent programs from becoming too unorderly once they become large, Horse64 requires that you organize your code in functions.
To test it, make a new "test.h64" file with above code and press the "Run" button in your Horse64 code editor, or use this on the command line:
horserun ./test.h64
If it doesn't work, ensure the exact file contents are as follows:
func main {
print("Hello World!")
You declare new functions by using a func
statement like above, after which you then put some name, like "main" in this case. The "main" function is started by default when your program launches, but you can use any additional functions with other names:
func main {
print("Hello World!")
func my_other_func {
print("This outputs something else!")
brackets?The {
and }
braces, that follow your func
statement header with the func name you picked, simply mark the start and end of all the step-by-step statements for the program to run whenever this function is invoked.
To test it, press the "Run" button in your Horse64 code editor, or use this on the command line:
horserun ./test.h64
A call is for example this line of code from the above program:
print("Hello World!")
A call will tell another function to run, in this case the built-in function "print", called from your "main" user-defined function. This allows you to make use of code found in other functions.
To make a call, simply put the name of the target function, in this case "print", followed by a (
parenthesis, followed by the parameters the function expects, followed by )
to end the call expression. A call means the called function, in this case "print", will be executed immediately in place of your call, which allows you to chain functions together.
The parameters for a func are a fixed set of named values, also called variables, that it expects you to provide to do something with them. Your "main" function has no parameters, and the "print" function is usually called with a single parameter for the item to be printed.
To find out what variables are, continue reading.
You can define a variable with any given name like this:
var my_variable
You can then assign it a value like this inside any of your funcs, and reuse it later:
var my_variable
func main {
my_variable = 5
The above example will print the number 5
Variables are simply named placeholders that can hold a variable value that you can set and change at any point in your program. This can be used to remember a number or text or something else that needs to be reused later in your program. If you want your program to ask the user to input any text while it runs, this will also be commonly held in such a variable.
You declare them as above with a name of your choice. Then you can reference them by that name, for example to use them as parameters for calls, or to change their value. To change the value of a variable, use =
to specify the new value on the right-hand side:
my_variable = "this text will now be stored inside the variable"
As you can see, a value can be a number, a text put inside quotes, and many other value types that you will learn about later. One value type is a so-called object, see the section on #types.
To combine a set of data commonly associated with one complex object into a reusable class type, use the type
type Bicycle {
var wheel_size = 0.5
var weight = 2.0
func main {
var my_bicycle = new Bicycle()
The variable with name "my_bicycle" is set to contain an object of the so-called user type named "Bicycle" in above example. This can now be seen as a concrete instance with the data you need for your program's idea of a bicycle, in this example holding a wheel size and a weight that can be different for each such instance of a bicycle. This is how you handle two different bicycles:
type Bicycle {
var wheel_size = 0.5
var weight = 2.0
func main {
var my_bicycle = new Bicycle()
var my_second_bicycle = new Bicycle()
my_second_bicycle.weight = 5
This example now uses a different weight than the default weight of 2.0 for your second bicycle object. These objects can now be passed around to various functions to do things with them.
If you want to learn more on types and objects, read here for an explanation of object-oriented programming.