How to contribute

This document attempts to cover how to contribute to Horse64. If you want to fix a problem, help with the documentation, etc., then please read on.

Contribute testing feedback

If you want to help testing, get the SDK and report bugs. For a more detailed setup guide, go here.

Contribute code

If you want to contribute code to any core tooling to fix bugs or add new features, you should be aware of the following:

  1. Most deeper testing of the core tooling expects to be run on Linux. If you contribute a more complicated feature, you will be expected to test your pull request on Linux according to the checklists below. It's however possible to do more basic code changes and tests on Windows, even without using WSL2, as long as your code changes concern only Horse64 code and not the C parts of the tooling.

  2. Read the licensing carefully and make sure you agree to contribute your code under the given terms. This currently includes avoiding any AI-based code generation, including Co-Pilot or smart auto-complete.

  3. Changes can be suggested via pull requests in the respective repositories.

    To set up a new pull request, try these steps (warning, you should know how to run commands in a terminal and how to change directories in a terminal, or you won't get very far):

    1. Make an account on if you haven't yet:

      Also, install git for Windows and any text editor for editing code.

    2. Go to the respective Horse64 project repository for whatever tool you want to patch.

    3. Click the "Fork" button on the codeberg page of the respective repository to get a personal fork, which is your own separate copy of the project.

    4. Clone your personal fork to your local machine with:

      git clone ...url-to-your-repo-fork-on-codeberg...

      (Run that in a terminal, on Windows e.g. the git terminal, in some directory where you keep your software projects. Check what directory your terminal is in first, via pwd or such!)

      Then switch to a new branch in your local repository with:

      git checkout -b name-for-your-branch

      (This needs to be run inside your new repo directory.)

    5. Implement and test your change.

    6. Make sure to set up a name and e-mail with your local git if you haven't yet, so people know who made this change. For that, you can run this in your local repository directory:

      git config "John Doe"
      git config ""
    7. Now use:

      git commit -a
     save and describe your changes to your local repository. Make sure to add the developer certificiate of origin signature as specified in the license file.

      (If you added any new files, you might first need to use git add name-of-file.)

      Then use:

      git push origin name-for-your-branch
     push your change to your personal fork on the code hoster.

    8. Now go to the original repository on Codeberg, not your fork, and click the "Pull Requests" tab and click "New Pull Request".

      For "merge into", make sure it's set to the project's original "main" branch. For "pull from", pick your personal fork and your name-for-your-branch branch.

If you want to talk to other developers to discuss new features and patches, join the 💬 community chat.

Contribute documentation

You can find the documentation, including this file itself, in the main repository of the package, it's inside the docs folder. Feel free to suggest improvements. Keep in mind the license currently asks you not to submit any AI-generated suggestions. This includes no AI-generated documentation text.

Maintainer checklists

These are maintainer checklists for all the core projects.

Pull request checklist for core tooling

If you contribute a pull request... FIXME

Updating git hooks or issue forms

Whenever updating the git hooks, or the forms in the .gitea directory, or the workflows to disable pull requests in the .github directory, update them in the main repository first.

Then run (in the main repository directory):

python3 propagate the changes to all the other repository.

(The other repositories need to be cloned to neighboring repository directories, neighboring your repository directory.)

Update all copyright notices for the next year

To update all copyright notices for the next year, do the same steps as for updating the git hooks for all repositories.

Release checklist for core tooling

This release checklist should be completed before attempting any release of what is part of the core tooling.

What is part of the core tooling: This list continuously expands and is made up of what is needed to build horp, HVM, and the standard library. The authoritative latest list for what is part of that, is maintained as part of tools/maintainer_helper_test_major_builds.h64 in the main repository.

Steps required before any official release of core tooling:

  1. Be on Linux.

  2. Set up all the core tooling repository directories next to each other in the versions to be tested, including what you plan to release.

  3. Run this and follow the instructions:

    translator/ tools/maintainer_helper_test_major_builds.h64

    (Run it in the even if your change is in a different package.)

  4. If it reports an error at any point, it should be fixed before a release.

  5. Now you should run whatever tests the respective project or package offers. For HVM, that would usually be make test, and for the others that would usually be via horp test. If there are any errors, make sure to investigate if any are new!

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