Grammar Rules

This document attempts to specify the Horse64 grammar in written rules. The actual AST parser of horsec isn't directly based on this ruleset, so it's possible for this to lag behind. Please report mistakes you find.

Important note on precedence: this grammar ignores operator precedence. For the operatorexpr expansion of the expr ::= ... grammar rule, you must pick the expansions with the right-most occurrence of the highest precedence number operator that is applicable. You must also always expand to an operatorexpr if possible, and only to other expr expansions if that isn't possible. For precedence numbers, check the operators precedence section.

Grammar formatting notes:

Grammar listing

The actual grammar rules follow:

Grammar listing: top-level structure

program ::= (toplvlstmt_1, toplvlstmt_2, ...)
toplvlstmt ::= vardefstmt | funcdefstmt | importstmt |
               typedefstmt | enumstmt | extendtypestmt |

Grammar listing: top-level statements

vardefstmt ::= "var" identifier "deprecated"? |
                "var" identifier "deprecated"? '=' expr |
                "var" identifier "deprecated"? '=' latercallexpr
funcdefstmt ::= "func" identifier (funcprop_1, funcprop_2, ...)
importstmt ::= "import" typepath_identifier importlibinfo?
typestmt ::= "type" identifier
             baseinfo? (typeprop_1, typeprop_2, ...)
enumstmt ::= "enum" identifier '{'
             enumlist '}'
extendtypestmt ::= "extend" "type" typepath_identifier
extendenumstmt ::= "extend" "enum" typepath_identifier

Grammar listing: code blocks and general statements

codeblock ::= '{' (innerstmt_1, innerstmt_2, ...) '}'
innerstmt ::= vardefstmt | funcdefstmt | callstmt | assignstmt |
              ifstmt | whilestmt | forstmt | withstmt |
              dorescuefinallystmt | vardefstmt |
callstmt ::= callexpr
assignstmt ::= lvalueexpr '=' expr |
               lvalueexpr assignbinop expr
ifstmt ::= "if" expr codeblock elseifblocklist? elseblock?
whilestmt ::= "while" expr codeblock
forstmt ::= "for" identifier "in" expr codeblock
withstmt ::= "with" withitemlist codeblock
dorescuefinallystmt ::= "do" codeblock rescueblock? finallyblock?
returnstmt ::= "return" | "return" expr
throwstmt ::= "throw" | "throw" expr
awaitstmt ::= "await" expr
continuestmt ::= "continue"
breakstmt ::= "break"

Grammar listing: detail rules for top-level statements

importlibinfo ::= "from" typepath_identifier
importrename ::= "as" identifier
typepath_identifier ::= identifierwithdot identifier
identifierwithdot ::= identifier '.'

typecodeblock ::= '{' (typeattrstmt_1, typeattrstmt_2, ...) '}'
typeattrstmt ::= varattrstmt | funcdefstmt
baseinfo ::= "base" expr
typeprop ::= "deprecated"
funcprop ::= "deprecated"
varattrprops ::= "protect"? "deprecated"?
varattrstmt ::= "var" identifier varattrprops? |
                "var" identifier varattrprops? '=' expr |
                "const" identifier varattrprops? |
                "const" identifier vardefporps? '=' expr

enumlist ::= (enumentry_1, enumentry_2) enumlastitem
enumitem ::= identifier enumnumberassign? ','
enumnumberassign ::= '=' numliteral
enumlastitem ::= identifier enumnumberassign? ','?

Grammar listing: detail rules for general statements

elseifblocklist ::= (elseifblock_1, elseifblock_2, ...)
elseifblock ::= "elseif" expr codeblock
elseblock ::= "else" codeblock

withitemlist ::= (withitem_1, withitem_2, ...) withlastitem
withitem ::= expr "as" identifier ','
withlastitem ::= expr "as" identifier

rescueblock ::= "rescue" rescuelist codeblock
rescuelist ::= (rescueitem_1, rescueitem_2, ...) rescuelastitem
rescueitem ::= 'any' | rescuespecificitem
rescuelastitem ::= 'any' | rescuelastspecificitem
rescuespecificitem ::= expr "as" identifier ','
rescuelastspecificitem ::= expr "as" identifier

finallyblock ::= "finally" codeblock

Grammar listing: inline expressions

expr ::= '(' expr ')' | callexpr | literalexpr |
         operatorexpr | inlineifexpr

callexpr ::= expr '(' terminatedcommaexprlist kwarglist ')' |
             expr '(' commaexprlist ')' |
             expr '(' kwarglist ')'
latercallexpr ::= callexpr "later:" |
                  callexpr "later" "repeat" |
                  callexpr "later" "ignore"

terminatedcommaexprlist ::= (commaitem_1, commaitem_2, ...)

commaexprlist ::= (commaitem_1, commaitem_2, ...) commalastitem?
commaitem ::= expr ','
commalastitem ::= expr

kwarglist ::= (kwargitem_1, kwargitem_2, ...) kwarglastitem?
kwargitem ::= identifier '=' expr ','
kwarglastitem ::= identifier '=' expr

operatorexpr ::= binopexpr | unopexpr
binopexpr ::= expr binop expr
unopexpr ::= unop expr

inlineifexpr ::= "if" expr '(' expr ')' "else" '(' expr ')'

Grammar listing: literal constructors

literalexpr ::= "none" | "yes" | "no" | numliteral |
                stringliteral | containerexpr

containerexpr ::= setexpr | mapexpr | listexpr | vecexpr
listexpr ::= '[' commaexprlist ']'
setexpr ::= '{' commaexprlist '}'
mapexpr ::= '{' mapitemlist '}'
mapitemlist ::= (mapitem_1, mapitem_2, ...) maplastitem?
mapitem ::= expr '->' expr ','
maplastitem ::= expr '->' expr
vecexpr ::= '[' vecitemlist ']'
vecitemlist ::= vec2itemlist | vec3itemlist | vec4itemlist
vec2itemlist ::= vecitem veclastitem
vec3itemlist ::= vecitem vecitem veclastitem
vec4itemlist ::= vecitem vecitem vecitem veclastitem
vecitem ::= numliteral ':' expr ','
veclastitem ::= numliteral ':' expr ','?

A few missing rules in writing

assignbinop can be +=, -=, *=, and /=. Assignments with these assignment math operators are just a short hand, e.g. lvalue += expr means lvalue = lvalue + expr.

binopexpr ignores that the index by expression binary operator has a closing element ']' afterwards. You must also exclude the call binary operator ( from the expansion choices of binop, since that one is handled by callexpr.

lvalueexpr is a special expression that can be either a binopexpr using the index by expression operator, or the attribute by identifier operator, or a plain identifier. It cannot be any other expression.

vecexpr has some rules omitted above for brevity, e.g. the numbers need to start with 1 and count up: [1: <expr>, 2: <expr>, ...]. You can also optionally specify xyzw for the first three items, e.g. [x: <expr>, y: <expr>].

numliteral can be anything that matches any of these regexes:


stringliteral can be anything that matches any of these regexes:


The breakstmt and continuestmt rules can only be used in code blocks that are inside while or for loop code blocks (including nested blocks).

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