Overview on Horse64

What is Horse64

(This is a technical in-depth look, go here for easy to grasp features, or check out the tutorials section for easy introductions and overviews).

Horse64 is on the technical side a dynamically but strongly typed, object-oriented and imperative, bytecode executed, partially ahead-of-time compiled (with horsec) language.

Design Goals

Major design goals of Horse64 are:

For a more practical list of recommended uses, go here.

OOP in Horse64 by using type

The type keyword allows declaring the use of a so-called custom type. A custom type can be used for object-oriented programming (OOP). Any object instance, or object in short, will have the attributes specified on the type, which can be variables or funcs.

A custom type can either be based on another one to form a subtype which inherits all attributes and can add more. See here for a friendly introduction to base types. Or it can be extended by another module to add more shared attributes to all its instances.

The following rules apply to custom types:

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